Faculty Publications

These pages highlight some of the activities of our Public Administration faculty members in the areas of publications, presentations, public lectures, as well as selected recent awards and honors.

  • B O O K S 

    2023    Shields, P. M., Hamington, M., & Soeters, J. (Eds.). (2023). The Oxford handbook of Jane Addams. Oxford University Press.

    2023    Rahm, D. (2023). Climate activism for the 21st century. McFarland & Company, Inc Publishers Jefferson, North Carolina, and London.

    2022    Shields, P.M., & Elias, N. (Eds.). (2022) Handbook on gender and public administration. Edward Elgar Publishing. 

    2022    Mora, S. L. (2022). The state of Texas: Government, politics, and policy. New York, New York, USA: McGraw Hill.

    2021    Varacalli, T. F. X., & Mora, S. L. (2021). Invitation to political science (Preliminary Edition). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt.

    2021    Fields, W. M., & Renne, J. (2021). Adaptation urbanism and resilient communities: Transforming streets to address climate change. Routledge.

    2019    Rahm, D. (2019). US environmental policy: Domestic and global perspectives. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing.

    2019    Mora, S. L. (2019). Political science: Institutions and public policy. Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt. 

    2017    Shields, P. M. (2017). Jane Addams: Progressive pioneer of peace, philosophy sociology, social work and public administration. Springer.


    P E E R   R E V I E W E D  P U B L I C A T I O N S

    2023    Koglin, T., Alvanides, S., & Fields, W. M. (2023). Overview of special issue on urban cycling: Rationalities, justice, safety, and analytics. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 17, 100713.  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trip.2022.100713.

    2023    Inbody, D. S., & Shields, P. M. (2023). Perspectives on the Afghanistan war: Commentaries on a misadventure. Armed Forces & Society, 49(4), 883–892.

    2023    Eby, R. F., & Rangarajan, N. Campus sustainability plans: past, present and future. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJSHE-03-2022-0063

    2022    Fields, W. M. (n.d.). Envisioning the Resilient Street: Evaluating Knowledge Transfer from Best Practice Leaders in New Orleans, LA.

    2022    Travis, D., & Shields, P. M. (2022). Introduction to the symposium on national security and social science. Armed Forces & Society, 49(1), 3-6. 

    2022    Shields, P. M. (2022). How Afghanistan influenced the content of armed forces & society: An editor’s reflection. Armed Forces & Society, 49(4), 893–912.

    2022    Rangarajan, N., Lottman, M., & Erp, J. (2022). Enhancing professional and practical experiences for MPA students: Lessons from a manager-in-residence program. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 28(2), 117-137.

    2022    Manoharan, A.P., Gilmore, B., & Rangarajan, N. (2022). Pedagogical approaches to comparative public administration and policy: A study of NASPAA programs with a specialization in global/comparative administration. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 28(4). 358-372.

    2022    Manoharan, A.P., & Rangarajan, N. (2022). Public administrators as storytellers: Nurturing narrative competence to enrich their professional identity. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 1-12.

    2022    Manoharan, A.P, & Rangarajan, N. (2022). Communication pedagogy in public affairs programs: Insights from a study of MPA and MPP curricula. Teaching Public Administration, 41(2), 221-242. 

    2022    Koglin, T., Alvanides, S., & Fields, W. M. (Eds.). (2022). Urban cycling: Sustainable mobility, transport and planning [Special issue]. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 14.

    2022    Fields, B., Cradock, A., Barrett, J., & Hull, T. (2022). Active transportation pilot program evaluation: A longitudinal assessment of bicycle facility density changes on use in Minneapolis. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 14, 100604. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trip.2022.100604

    2022    DeSoto, W. H., & Tajalli, H. (2022). A comparison between Australian and US populations on attitudes to criminal behaviours. Psychology, Crime and Law, 28(2), 115-131.

    2022    DeSoto, W. H., Wiener, K. & Tajalli, H. (2022). Racial animus and its association with punitive sentencing and crime types: Do Australian community attitudes reflect the United States? Journal of Criminology, 55(1), 23–46.

    2022    Dailey, S., Gilmore, B., & Rangarajan, N. (2022). The visualization of public information: Describing the use of narrative infographics by US municipal governments. Public Policy and Administration.  https://doi.org/10.1177/09520767221140954

    2022    Ancira, J., Rangarajan, N., & Shields, P. (2022). Bridging the academic-practitioner divide: Findings from a survey of public administration faculty and practitioners. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 28(1), 35-55.

    2021    Longoria, T., & Milford, J. Explaining borderlands local government administrators’ perceived responsibility to aid asylum-seeking migrants. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1080/08865655.2021.2017789

    2021    Klockner, K., Shields, P. M., Pillay, M., & Ames, K. (2021). Pragmatism as a teaching philosophy in the safety sciences: A higher education pedagogy perspective. Safety science, 138, 105095.

    2021    Casula, M., Rangarajan, N., & Shields, P. (2021). The potential of working hypotheses for deductive exploratory research. Quality & Quantity, 55(5), 1703-1725.

    2021    Brookman, R., Wiener, K. K., DeSoto, W. H., & Tajalli, H. (2021). Racial animus and its associations with punitive sentencing and crime types: Do Australian community attitudes reflect the United States? Journal of Criminology, 55(1), 23–46.

    2020    Scott, R., Shields, P. M., & Means, O. (2020). COVID-19: The enemy is still advancing. Parameters: Quarterly Journal of the US Army War College, 50(3), 33–43.

    2020    DeSoto, W. H., & Tajalli, H. (2020). Gendered patterns of drug use on a university campus. World Medical & Health Policy, 12(1), 32–46.

    2020    Brown, C. R. (2020). The special purpose district reconsidered: The Fifth Circuit’s     recent declaration that the Edwards Aquifer Authority is a special purpose district   under the Voting Rights Act, and the tortured history that led to that decision. Hastings Environmental Law Journal, 27(1), 3.

    2019   Rissler, G. E. & Shields, P. M. (2019). Positive peace—A necessary touchstone for  public administration. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 41(1), 60-78. 

    2019    Rangarajan, N., & Joshi, S. (2019). Sustainability education in public administration and policy: A multi-method study of NASPAA accredited programs. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 25(3), 343–363.

    2019    Smith, C. L., Tajalli, H., Pino, N. W., & DeSoto, W. (2019). Non-medical prescription drug use among Latino college students at a Hispanic-serving institution. Journal of Latinos and Education, 21(2), 166-180.

    2019    Hall, J. L., Hatcher, W., McDonald, B. D., Shields, P., & Sowa, J. E. (2019). The art of peer reviewing: Toward an effective development process. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 25(3), 296–313.

    2018    Tajalli, H., & Ortiz, M. (2018). An examination of Hispanic college enrollment and graduation: Has the Texas closing the gaps plan been successful? Journal of Latinos and Education, 17(4), 330-343.

    2018    Tajalli, H. (2018). The impact of Texas “Wealth Equalization” program on the academic performance of poor and wealthy schools. The Urban Review, 51, 404-423.  

    2018    Rahm, D. (2018). Geoengineering climate change solutions: Public policy issues for national and global governance. Humanities and Social Science Review, 8(2), 139–148.

    2018    De Soto, W., Tajalli, H., Pino, N., & Smith, C. L. (2018). The effect of college students’ religious involvement on their academic ethic. Religion and Education, 45(2), 190–207.

    2018    Brady, G., & Tajalli, H. (2018). An analysis of educators sanctioned for misconduct. Journal of Research in Education, 102(1), 62–80.

    2017    Tajalli, H., & Alejandra, P. (2017). Sports tourism does not have to be accompanied by crime: A case for the NFL Super Bowl. Journal of Sports and Tourism, 21(1), 15–32. 

    2017    Shields, P., & Soeters, J. (2017). Peaceweaving: Jane Addams, positive peace, and public administration. American Review of Public Administration, 47(3), 323–339.

    2017    Shields, P. (2017). Limits of negative peace, faces of positive peace. Parameters, US Army War College Quarterly, 47(3), 1–12.

    2017    Shields, P. M., & Travis, D. (2017). Achieving organizational flexibility through ambidexterity. Parameters: US Army War College Quarterly, 47(2), 65–76.

    2017    Rahm, D. (2017). The U.S. political climate and shale gas and oil development. Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 7(2), 478–488.

    2017    Pino, N. W., Tajalli, H., Smith, C. L., & DeSoto, W. H. (2017). Non-medical use of prescription drugs by college students for recreational and instrumental purposes: Assessing the differences. Journal of Drug Issues, 47(4), 606–621.

    2017    Fields, B., Thomas, J., & Wagner, J. A. (2017). Living with water in the era of climate change: Lessons from the Lafitte Greenway in post-Katrina New Orleans. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 37(3), 309-321.

    2016    Rahm, D., Farmer, J. L., & Fields, B. (2016). The Eagle Ford shale development     and local government fiscal behavior. Public Budgeting & Finance, 36(3), 45–68.

    2016    O’Herrin, K., & Shields, P. (2016). Assessing municipal forestry activity: A survey of home rule municipalities in Texas, U.S.A. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 42(4), 267–280.

    2016    Shields, P. (2016). Building the fabric of peace: Jane Addams & peaceweaving. Global Virtue Ethics Review, 7(3), 21–33.

    2016    Shields, P., & Rissler, G. (2016). Positive peace: Exploring the roots and potential for public administration. Global Virtue Ethics Review, 7(3), 1–15.

    2016    Longoria, T., Budd, D., & Myers, A. (2016). The role of a gendered policy agenda in closing the mayoral ambition gap: The case of Texas female city council members. Journal of Research on Women and Gender, 6(1), 81–93.

    2016    Fields, B., Wagner, J., & Thomas, J. (2016). Living with water in the era of climate change: Innovation and limitation in the planning and rebuilding of New Orleans. Journal of Planning, Education, and Research, 1–13.

    2016    Favreau, J. M., & Hanks, E. K. (2016). Improving poll worker training: New ideas for measurable success. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 38(1), 1–14.

    2016    DeSoto, W. H., Tajalli, H., & Villareal, A. (2016). Do international studies students have a broader global awareness than other college students? Journal of Political Science Education, 12(2), 216–229.

    2016    De Soto, W., & Tajalli, H. (2016). How do college students in Ukraine and the United States view criminal offenders? International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 40(4), 277-291.


    I N VI T E D   &  T R A N S L A T E D   J O U R N A L   A R T I C L E S

    2019      Shields, P. M., Rangarajan, N., & Casula, M. (2019). It is a Working Hypothesis: Searching for Truth in a Post-Truth World (part 1). Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniia [Sociological Studies], 10, 39–47. 

    2019      Shields, P. M., Rangarajan, N., & Casula, M. (2019). It is a Working Hypothesis: Searching for Truth in a Post-Truth World (part 2). Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya [Sociological Studies], 11, 40–51.

    B O O K   C H A P T E R S

    n.d.       Shields, P. (Accepted / In Press). Ambidexterity: Resolving contradictions in military organizations. In R. Beeres, I. van Kememade, J. van der Meulen, & R. Moelker (Eds.), Ambidextrous Organizations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Springer.    

    n.d.     Brown, C. R. (Accepted / In Press). A litigious proposal: A citizen’s duty to challenge climate change in the courts. In P. G. Harris (Ed.), Ethics, Environmental Justice, and Climate Change (First, pp. 385–457). 10 Heatherley Road, Camberley, Surrey, GU15 3LW UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 

    2023    Soeters, J., Shields, P. M., & Hamington, M. (2023). Epilogue: Jane Addams’s contemporary relevance. In P. M. Shields, M. Hamington, & J. Soeters (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Jane Addams (pp. 737-748). Oxford University Press.

    2023    Shields, P. M., & Soeters, J. (2023). Jane Addams and the noble art of peaceweaving, In P. M. Shields, M. Hamington, & J. Soeters (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Jane Addams (pp. 441-458). Oxford University Press.

    2023      Shields, P. M., Hamington, M., & Soeters, J. (2023). On the maturation of Addams studies: A figure of vital intellectual and practical significance, In P. M. Shields, M. Hamington, & J. Soeters (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Jane Addams (pp. 3-34). Oxford University Press.                                       

    2023      Shields, P. M. (2023). Jane Addams and public administration: Clarifying industrial citizenship, In P. M. Shields, M. Hamington, & J. Soeters (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of Jane Addams (pp. 305-326). Oxford University Press. 

    2023    Rangarajan, N., Manoharan, A.P., Ortiz-Whyte, B. (2023). Inconspicuously indispensable for India: The untold stories of accredited social health activists (ASHAs), In S.M. Zavattaro, et al. (Eds.), Portraits of public service: Untold stories from the front lines (pp. 237-254). SUNY Press.

    2022      Wayman, A., Alexander, S., & Shields, P. M. (2022). Women in Texas local government: The road to city management. In P.M. Shields & N.M. Elias (Eds.), Handbook on gender and public administration (pp. 302-316). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    2022      Shields, P. M., & Elias, N. (2022). Introduction to the Handbook Gender and Public Administration. In P.M. Shields & N.M. Elias (Eds.), Handbook on gender and public administration (pp. 1-22). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    2022      Shields, P. M. (2022). The origins of the alternative view of public administration: Women pioneers. In P.M. Shields & N.M. Elias (Eds.), Handbook on gender and public administration (pp. 35-52). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    2022      Rangarajan, N., & Lottman, M. (2022). Chapter 10: Trends in international scholarship on gender and public personnel administration (2008-19). In P.M. Shields & N.M. Elias (Eds.), Handbook on gender and public administration (pp. 149-164). Edward Elgar Publishing.

    2022    Manoharan, A.P. & Rangarajan, N. (2022). Chapter 12: Administrative education, training, and capacity building: The role of the Indian Institute of Public Administration. In K.A. Bottom, J. Diamond, P.T. Dunning & I.C. Elliott (Eds.), Handbook of teaching public administration (pp. 117-126). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. 

    2021    Fields, W. M., Wagner, J., & Thomas, J. (2021). Living with water in the era of climate change: Innovation and limitation in the planning and rebuilding of New Orleans. In C. Silver & A. Frank (Eds.), Transformative Planning: Smarter, Greener and More Inclusive Practices (1st ed.) (pp. 195-215). Routledge.

    2020    Shields, P. M. (2020). Dynamic intersection of military and society. In A. Sookermany (Ed.), Handbook of military sciences (pp. 1–12). Springer. 

    2020    Shields, P., & Travis, D. (2020). Ambidexterity: Resolving contradictions in military organizations. In R. Moleker (Ed.), Yin-Yang military: Ambidextrous perspectives on             

    2019    Fields, W. M. (2019). Post-disaster amenity politics: Livability, gentrification, and recovery in post-Katrina New Orleans. In F. Wagner & R. Caves (Eds.), Community livability: Issues and approaches to sustaining the well-being of people and communities (2nd ed.) (pp. 123-136). Taylor and Francis.

    2017    Shields, P. M. (2017). Jane Addams: Pioneer in American sociology, social work and  public administration. In P. Shields (Ed.), Jane Addams: Progressive pioneer of peace, philosophy sociology, social work and public administration (pp. 43–68). Springer.

    2017    Shields, P. M. (2017). Jane Addams: Peace activist and peace theorist. In P. Shields (Ed.), Jane Addams: Progressive pioneer of peace, philosophy sociology, social work and public administration (pp. 32–42). Springer.

    2017    Shields, P. M. (2017). Jane Addams: Public philosopher and practicing feminist pragmatist. In P. Shields (Ed.), Jane Addams: Progressive pioneer of peace, philosophy sociology, social work and public administration (pp. 17-30). Springer.

    2017    Shields, P. M. (2017). An introduction to the life of Jane Addams. In P. Shields (Ed.), Jane Addams: Progressive pioneer of peace, philosophy sociology, social work and public administration (pp. 3-16). Springer.

    2017    Shields, P., & Whetsell, T. (2017). Public administration methodology: A pragmatic perspective. In J. Raadschelders & R. Stillman (Eds.), Foundations of public administration (pp. 75–92). New York: Melvin & Leigh.

    2017    Longoria, T., Budd, D. M., & Manganaro, L. L. (2017). Support for gender equality duty strategies among local government officials in Texas. In J. D. Ward (Ed.), Beyond reform: Leadership and change in public sector organizations (pp. 229-246). Routledge (Taylor and Francis).

    2017    Hanks, E. K., & Hanks, J. C. (2017). Ethics and communication: The essence of  human behavior. In D. E. Fazarro, W. Trybula, J. Tate, & C. Hanks (Eds.), Nano- safety: What we need to know to protect workers (pp. 153-176). Berlin, Germany: DeGruyter.    

    2016    Hanks, E. K., & Jurkiewicz, C. L. (2016). Organizational values. In A. Farazmand (Ed.), Global encyclopedia of public administration and public policy (pp. 4420-4428). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer.

    2016    Fields, B. (2016). Evaluating the challenge of conceptualizing the smart city in urban planning: Greenway planning in Texas. In R. Jucevicius, J. Bruneckiene, & G. V. Carlsburg (Eds.), International practices of smart development (pp. 183–196). Peter Lang GmbH - Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.


    C O N F E R E N C E    P R E S E N T A T I O N S,  W E B I N A R S

    2023    Rangarajan, N. (March, 2023).Instilling diversity, equity and inclusion values  in future public service professionals: Insights from a document analysis of DEI plans [Conference presentation]. Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Virtual Conference. 

    2023    Longoria, T., & Manganaro, L. (2023). The Determinants of Voting for Republican Congressional Candidates in the Texas Borderlands. Midwest Political Science Association.  Chicago, IL, United States. 

    2022    Fields, W. M. (2022). Envisioning the resilient street: Evaluating knowledge transfer from best practice leaders in New Orleans, LA. Ecocity World Summit, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

    2022    Rangarajan, N. (2022). Institutionalizing diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility: Preparing public service professionals to function in a multifaceted world [Conference presentation]. NASPAA Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, United States.    

    2022    Rangarajan, N, Witkowski, K. & Whetsell, T. (2022). Exploring the academic-practice boundary in public affairs scholarship: Findings from a bibliometric and network analysis of multidisciplinary publications. Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Jacksonville, FL, United States. 

    2022    Gilmore, B, Rangarajan, N. & Manoharan, A.P. (2022). Teaching public administration from an international and comparative perspective. Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Jacksonville, FL, United States. 

    2021    Shields, P., Rangarajan, N., & Casula, M.  (2021). Gauging good governance: A practical tool for normative evaluation research. Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, American Society for Public Administration, Virtual Conference. 

    2020    Rangarajan, N. (2020). A review of scholarship on gender and public personnel administration from 2008-2019. Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, American Society for Public Administration, Virtual Conference.

    2020    Milford, J., & Longoria, T. (2020). Immigration at our back door: Implementing solutions in the Rio Grande Valley. TCMA Region 10 Conference, McAllen, TX, United States.

    2019    Shields, P. M., Rangarajan, N., & Casula, M. (2019). It is a working hypothesis: Searching for truth in a post-truth world. Public Administration Theory Network Annual Conference, Denver, CO, United States.

    2019    Shields, P. M., & Guy, M. E. (2019). What she said: How Jane Addams informs public administration [Webinar]. In American Society for Public Administration BookTalk Series.

    2019    Shields, P. M., & Guy, M. E. (2019). Recovering Jane Addams: Public administration pioneer [Presentation]. American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, Washington, D.C., United States. 

    2019    Shields, P. M. (2019). Women’s historic public engagement: Finding public administration in the peace and suffrage movements [Presentation]. National Academy of Public Administration Fall Meeting, Arlington, VA, United States. 

    2019    Shields, P. M. (2019). History of women's reform movement [Presentation] Texas State University Political Science 4324: Women in Politics, San Marcos, TX, United States.

    2018    Rangarajan, N. (2018). Serving non-profit oriented students in a political science departmental context. NASPAA Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, United States. 

    2018    Shields, P., & Rangarajan, N. (2018). Encouraging creativity in applied research design [Conference presentation]. Public Administration Theory Network, Cleveland, OH, United States.

    2017    Rangarajan, N., & Joshi, S. (2017). Sustainability in public affairs education: A multi-method study of NASPAA accredited programs. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA, United States.

    2016    Reinders, D., & Rangarajan, N. (2016). An ideal model for transitional programs for autistic students: Evaluating the high school to employment programs for autistic students in Georgetown, TX. International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research, San Antonio, TX, United States. 

    2016    Scott, L., & Rangarajan, N. (2016). Campus carry policy: A descriptive study of perceptions of students, faculty, and staff at Texas State University. International Research Conference, Texas State University, San Marcos, TX, United States. 


    P O D C A S T S,  B L OG  P O S T S, B O O K  R E V I E W S,  W E B P A G E S

    2022    Shields, P. M., & Wayman, A. (2022, October 18). The road to city manager: A balancing act for women near the top. Initiative for Gender Equity in the Public Sector. https://igeps.org/2022/10/18/the-road-to-city-manager-a-balancing-act-for-women-near-the-top/

    2022    Shields, P. M. (2022, December 20). Learning from our diverse past: Municipal housekeeping and care ethics. Initiative for Gender Equity in        the Public Sector. https://igeps.org/2022/12/20/learning-from-our-diverse-past-municipal-housekeeping-and-care-ethics/

    2020    Shields, P. M. (2020). [Review of the book Jane Addams’s evolutionary theorizing: Constructing “Democracy and social ethics,” by M. Fischer]. American Political Thought, 9(2), 339-342. 

    2019    Shields, P. M. (2019, May 15). Cassandra and Bread Givers: The College Speeches of Jane Addams. Ramapo College, Jane Addams Papers Project. https://janeaddams.ramapo.edu/2019/05/

    2019    Shields, P. M. (Interviewee). 29 March 2019. Feminism and Peace: Jane Addams's Legacy [Audio podcast]. Eric Thomas Weber (Host) and Anthony Cashio (Host). Philosophy Bakes Bread.

    2019    Cradock, A., Barrett, J., Hull, T., & Fields, W. M. (2019). Evidence to Inform a Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy. Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/prc/projects/evidence-to-inform-a-cycling-and-walking-investment-strategy/

    2018    Shields, P. (2018). [Review of the book Wartime sexual violence: From silence to condemnation of a weapon of war, by K. F. Crawford]. Parameters: US Army War College Quarterly, 48(1), 119-120. 

    2018    Hanks, E. K. (2018, February). Selfie help. Immediate. 

    2018    Hanks, E. K. (2018, February). Ask a critical theorist: Comments on fashion. Immediate

  • Jesse Ancira, Nandhini Rangarajan & Patricia Shields (2022) Bridging the academic-practitioner divide: Findings from a survey of public administration faculty and practitioners, Journal of Public Affairs Education, 28:1, 35-55, DOI: 10.1080/15236803.2021.1891396 

    De Soto, W., Wiener, K. K. K., Tajalli, H., & Brookman, R. (2022). A comparison between Australian and US populations on attitudes to criminal behaviors. Psychology, Crime & Law28(2), 115-131.

  • Casula, M., Rangarajan, N., & Shields, P. (2021). The potential of working hypotheses for deductive exploratory research. Quality & Quantity55(5), 1703-1725.

    Brookman, R., Wiener, K., DeSoto, W., & Tajalli, H. (2021). Racial animus and its association with punitive sentencing and crime types: Do Australian community attitudes reflect the United States’? Journal of Criminology, 26338076211051785.

    Shields, P., Rangarajan, N., & Casula, M. (2021). Gauging good governance: A practical tool for normative evaluation research. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Society for Public Administration, Washington, D.C.

    Nandhini Rangarajan, Mark Lottman & James Earp (2021): Enhancing professional and practical experiences for MPA students: Lessons from a manager-in-residence program, Journal of Public Affairs Education, DOI: 10.1080/15236803.2021.1959139

    Fields, B., & Renne, J.L. Adaptation Urbanism and Resilient Communities: Transforming Streets to Address Climate Change (New York: Routledge, 2021). 

    Longoria, T., & Milford, J. (2021). Explaining Borderlands Local Government Administrators’ Perceived Responsibility to Aid Asylum-Seeking Migrants. Journal of Borderlands Studies, 1-19. 

    Casula, M., Rangarajan, N., & Shields, P. (2021). The potential of working hypotheses for deductive exploratory research. Quality & Quantity55(5), 1703-1725.

    Ancira, J., Rangarajan, N., & Shields, P. (2021). Bridging the academic-practitioner divide: Findings from a survey of public administration faculty and practitioners. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 1-21.

    Shields, P. M., & Travis, D. S. (2021). Resolving Contradictions in Military Operations via Ambidexterity. In The Yin-Yang Military (pp. 3-17). Springer, Cham.

  • Shields, P. M. (2020). Dynamic intersection of military and society. Handbook of military sciences, 1-23.

    Scott, R. J., Means, O. J., & Shields, P. M. (2020). The COVID-19 Enemy is Still Advancing.

    De Soto, W., & Tajalli, H. (2020). Gendered Patterns of Drug Use on a University Campus in the United States. World Medical & Health Policy12(1), 32-46.

  • Shields, P. M. (2019). Women’s Historic Public Engagement: Finding Public Administration in the Peace and Suffrage Movements.

    Shields, P. M., Weber, E. T., & Cashio, A. (2019). Feminism and Peace: Jane Addams's Legacy.

    Shields, P. M., Rangarajan, N., & Casula, M. (2019). Exploring the Working Hypothesis.

    Shields, P. M. (2019). Cassandra and Bread Givers: The College Speeches of Jane Addams.

    Shields, P. M., & Guy, M. E. (2019). What She Said: How Jane Addams Informs Public Administration.

    Shields, P. M., & Guy, M. E. (2019). What She Said: How Jane Addams Informs Public Administration.

    Shields, P. M., & Guy, M. E. (2019). Recovering Jane Addams: Public Administration Pioneer.

    Shields, P. M. (2019). History of Women's Reform Movement.

    Tajalli, H. (2019). The impact of texas “Wealth equalization” program on the academic performance of poor and wealthy schools. The Urban Review51(3), 404-423.

    Smith, C. L., Tajalli, H., Pino, N. W., & De Soto, W. (2019). Non-Medical Prescription Drug Use among Latino College Students at a Hispanic-Serving Institution. Journal of Latinos and Education, 1-15.

    Rissler, G. E., & Shields, P. M. (2019). Positive peace—A necessary touchstone for public administration. Administrative Theory & Praxis41(1), 60-78.

    Hall, J. L., Hatcher, W., McDonald III, B. D., Shields, P., & Sowa, J. E. (2019). The art of peer reviewing: Toward an effective developmental process. Journal of Public Affairs Education25(3), 296-313.

    Shields, P. M., Rangarajan, N., & Casula, M. (2019). Exploring the working hypothesis. Presented at the Public Administration Theory Network Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.

    Shields, P. M.Rangarajan, N., & Casula, M. (2019). It is a working hypothesis: Searching for truth in a post-truth world. Presented at the Public Administration Theory Network Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.

    Rangarajan, N., & Joshi, S. (2019). Sustainability education in public administration and policy: A multi-method study of NASPAA accredited programs. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 25(3), 343–363.

  • Rahm, D. “Geoengineering Climate Change Solutions: Public Policy Issues for National and Global Governance.” Humanities and Social Science Review 8, no. 2 (2018): 139-148.

    Rahm, D. U. S. Environmental Policy: Domestic and Global Perspectives. St. Paul, MN: West Academic Publishing, October 31, 2018.

    Rissler, G. & Shields, P. “Positive Peace – A Necessary Touchstone for Public Administration.” Administrative Theory & Praxis (August 2018). DOI: 10.1080/10841806.2018.1479549.

    Tajalli, H. “The Impact of Texas ‘Wealth Equalization’ Program on the Academic Performance of Poor and Wealthy Schools.” The Urban Review (December 2018). DOI: 10.1007/s11256-018-0490-9

    De Soto, W., Tajalli, H., Pino, N., Smith, C. “The Effect of College Students’ Religious Involve-ment on Their Academic Ethic.” Religion & Education 45, no. 2 (2018): 190-207.

  • Shields, P. (2017). Jane Addams: Progressive Pioneer of Peace, Philosophy Sociology, Social Work and Public Administration. New York: Springer.

    Brown, C. R. (Accepted / In Press). A Litigious Proposal: A Citizen’s Duty to Challenge Climate Change in the Courts. In P. G. Harris (Ed.), Ethics, Environmental Justice, and Climate Change (First, pp. 385–457). 10 Heatherley Road, Camberley, Surrey,GU15 3LW UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.

    Hanks, E. K., & Hanks, J. C. (2017). Ethics and communication: The essence of human behavior. In Nano-safety: What we need to know to protect workers. Berlin, Germany: DeGruyter.

    Longoria, T., Budd, D. M., & Manganaro, L. L. (2017). Support for Gender Equality Duty Strategies among Local Government Officials in Texas. In Beyond Reform: Leadership and Change in Public Sector Organizations. Routledge (Taylor and Francis).

    Rahm, D. (Accepted / In Press). Fracking and the Politics of Shale Gas and Oil Development. In A. Sapat (Ed.), Handbook of Environmental Governance. New York, New York: Routledge.

    Shields, P. (Accepted / In Press). Ambidexterity: Resolving Contradictions in Military Organizations. In R. Beeres, I. van Kememade, J. van der Meulen, & R. Moelker (Eds.), Ambidextrous Organizations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. New York: Springer.

    Shields, P., & Whetsell, T. (2017). Public Administration Methodology: A Pragmatic Perspective. In Foundations of Public Administration (pp. 75–92). New York: Melvin & Leigh.Shields, P. M. (2017). An Introduction to the Life of Jane Addams. In Jane Addams: Progressive Pioneer of Pioneer of Peace, Philosophy Sociology, Social Work and Public Administration (pp. 3–16). New York: Springer.

    Shields, P. M. (2017). Jane Addams: Peace Activist and Peace Theorist. In Jane Addams: Progressive Pioneer of Pioneer of Peace, Philosophy Sociology, Social Work and Public Administration (pp. 32–42). Springer.

    Shields, P. M. (2017). Jane Addams: Pioneer in American Sociology, Social Work and Public Administration. In Jane Addams: Progressive Pioneer of Pioneer of Peace, Philosophy Sociology, Social Work and Public Administration (pp. 43–68). Springer.

    Shields, P. M. (2017). Jane Addams: Public Philosopher and Practicing Feminist Pragmatist,. In Jane Addams: Progressive Pioneer of Pioneer of Peace, Philosophy Sociology, Social Work and Public Administration (pp. 17–30).

    Fields, W. M., Fields, B., Wagner, J., & Thomas, J. (2017). Living with Water in the Era of Climate Change: Innovation and Limitation in the Planning and Rebuilding of New Orleans. Journal of Planning, Education, and Research. Accepted / In Press.

    Rahm, D. (2017). The U.S. Political Climate and Shale Gas and Oil Development. Humanities and Social Sciences Review, 7(2), 478–488.

    Rangarajan, N. & Joshi, S. (2017). Sustainability Education in Public Administration and Policy: A Multi-Method Study of NASPAA Accredited Programs. Journal of Public Affairs Education. Accepted/In Press.

    Shields, P. (2017). The Limits of Negative Peace, The Faces of Positive Peace. Parameters, 47(3), 1–12.

    Shields, P. M., & Travis, D. (2017). Achieving Organizational Flexibility through Ambidexterity. Parameters: US Army War College Quarterly, 47(2), 65–76.

    Shields, P., & Soeters, J. (2017). Peaceweaving: Jane Addams, posi-tive peace, and Public Administration. American Review of Public Administration, 47(3), 323–339.

    DeSoto, W. H., Tajalli, H., Pino, N. W., & Smith, C. L. (Accepted / In Press). The Effect of College Students’ Religious Involvement on Their Academic Ethic. Religion and Education.

    Brady, G., & Tajalli, H. (Accepted / In Press). An Analysis of Educators Sanctioned for Misconduct. Journal of Research in Education.

    Tajalli, H., & Marta, O. (2017). An examination of Hispanic college enrollment and graduation: Has the Texas Closing the Gaps plan been successful? Journal of Latinos and Education.

    Tajalli, H., & Alejandra Pena. (Accepted / In Press). Sports Tourism Does not have to be Accompanied by Crimes: A case for the NFL Super Bowl. Journal of Sport & Tourism.

    Pino, N. W., Tajalli, H., Smith, C. L., & DeSoto, W. H. (2017). Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs by College Students for Recreational and Instrumental Purposes: Assessing the Differences. Journal of Drug Issues, 47(4), 606–621.

    Tajalli, H., & Alejandra, P. (2017). Sports Tourism Does not have to be Accompanied by Crime: A Case for the NFL Super Bowl. Journal of Sports and Tourism, 21(1), 15–32.

    Rahm, D. (2017, March 5). Population Growth Has Challenges, p. 6A.

    Rahm, D. (2017, February 12). 2016 Was the Warmest on Record, p. 4A.

    Rahm, D. (2017, January 1). How Green is the Incoming Team?, p. 5A.

  • Fields, Billy (2016). "Evaluating the Challenge of Conceptualizing the Smart City in Urban Planning: Greenway Planning in Texas". In Jurgita Bruneckiene (Ed.), International  Practices of Smart Development (183-196). Peter Lang GmbH - Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften. 

    Rahm, Dianne, Farmer, J.L., and Fields, Billy (2016). "The Eagle Ford Shale Development and Local Government Fiscal Behavior". Public Budgeting & Finance, published online July 7, 2016.

    Hanks, E.K., and Hanks, J.C., (2016). "Organizational values". In Carole L. Jurkiewicz (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. Dodrecht, Netherlands: Springer. 

    Favreau, J.M., and Hanks, E.K., (2016). "Improving poll worker training: New ideas for measurable success". Administrative Theory & Praxis, 38 (1), 1-14.

    Budd, DM, Myers, A., and Longoria, T., (2016). "The Role of a Gendered Policy Agenda in Closing the Mayoral Ambition Gap: The Case of Female City Council Members". Journal of Research on Women and Gender, 6, 81-93.

    O'Herin, K., and Shields, P., (2016). "Assessing Municipal Forestry Activity: A Survey of Home Rule Municipalities in Texas, U.S.A.". Arboriculture & Urban Forestry, 42 (4), 267-280.

    Shields, P., (2016). "Building the Fabric of Peace: Jane Addams & Peaceweaving". Global Virtue Ethics Review, 7 (3), 21-33.

    Shields, P., and Rissler, G., (2016). "Positive Peace: Exploring the Roots and Potential for Public Administration". Global Virtue Ethics Review, 7 (3), 1-15.

    DeSoto, William, and Tajalli, Hassan, (2016). "How do College Students in the Ukraine and the United States view Criminal Offenders?". International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice, 40 (4), 347-361.

    DeSoto, William, Tajali, Hassan, and Villarreal, Allison (2016). "Do International Students have a Broader Global Awareness than other College Students?". Journal of Political Science Education, 12 (2), 216-229.

  • Brown, Christopher, (2015). "A Litigious Proposal: A Citizen's Duty to Challenge Climate Change in the Courts". Environmental Justice, and Climate Change, 385-457. Edward Elgar Publishing. 

    Hanks, E.K. (2015). "Nonprofit organizations: Communication". In Melvin Dubnick and Domonic Bearfield (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. New York, NY: Taylor & Francis.

    Hanks, J.C., and Hanks, E.K., (2015). "From technological autonomy to technological bluff: Jacques Ellul and diagnosing our technological condition". Human Affairs, 25 (4), 460-470. 

    Hanks, E.K. and Hanks, J.C., (2015). "More than rules: On some uses and limits of a compliance approach to ethics". Good Governance Worldwide: The Online Journal of Public Management Practice, September 2015, article 1.

    Hanks, E.K., and Hanks, J.C., (2015). "Rules, compliance, and ethics: Oh My".The Public Manager, October 2015, article 5.

    Jamieson, C., and Hanks, E. K. (2015). "From the ground up: How an innovative public/private partnership built the San Marcos Convention Center". Texas Town & City, 11 (3), 32-35. 

    Fields, Billy and Tudor, Jason (2015). "Age-Friendly Community Policy Innovation: Complete Streets Implementation in Louisiana, United States". International Perspectives on Age-Friendly Cities. Francis G. Caro and Kelly Fitzgerald (eds). Routledge, 241-255.

    Fields, Billy, Wagner, Jacob, and Frisch, Michael (2015). “Placemaking and Disaster Recovery: Targeting Place Recovery in Post-Katrina New Orleans”. Journal of Urbanism, 8, 38-56.

    Garofalo, Charles and Geuras, Dean (2015).  “From One Utopia to Another: Kant, Spicer, and Moral Agency". Administrative Theory and Praxis, 37, 81-94.

    Garofalo, Charles (2015).  “Where Should We Draw the Line?: Governance, Public Values, and Outsourcing National Security”. Public Integrity 17: 189-202.

    Hanks, Emily and Alexander, Samantha (2015).  “Same Industry, Same Rules? When Ridesharing Comes to Town”. Cases and Simulations Portal for Public and Nonprofit Sectors.  Rutgers School of Public Affairs and Administration.

    Longoria, Thomas and Nandhini Rangarajan (2015).  “Measuring Public Manager Cultural Competence: The Influence of Public Service Values." Journal of Public Management and Social Policy 21, 24-41.

    Rahm, Dianne, Brittain, Vickie, Brown, Christopher, Garofalo, Charles, Rangarajan,Nandhini, Shields,Patricia, and YunHyun Jung (2015).  “Exploring the Demand for PhDs in Public Affairs and Administration”.  Journal of Public Affairs Education 21, 115-128.

    Rahm, Dianne, Fields, B., and Farmer, J. L. (2015). “Transportation Impacts of Fracking in the Eagle Ford Shale Development in Rural South Texas:  Perceptions of Local Government Officials”. Journal of Rural and Community Development 10(2), 78-99.

    Rahm, Dianne (2015.)   “US Law and Policy in Environmental Management.” In Sarkar, Dibyendu, Rupali Datta, Avinandan Mukherlee, and Robyn Hannigan (Eds.), An Integrated Approach to Environmental Management. 305-336.

    Shields, P. (2015). Civil Military Relations. In D.A. Bearfield and M.J. Dubnick (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. New York: Taylor & Francis. 

    Whetsell, Travis A. and Shields, P.  (2015).  “The Dynamics of Positivism in the Study of Public Administration: A Brief Intellectual History and Reappraisal”. Administration & Society, 47 (4), 416-446.

  • Balanoff, Howard.  2014.  “American Society for Public Administration’s Section Members Participate in an International Public Management Forum” in American Society for Public Administration’s Online PA Times.

    Fields, Billy and Angie L. Cradock. 2014 “Federal Active Transportation Policy in Transition: From ISTEA to Complete Streets.”  Public Works Management and Policy 19:322-327. 

    Tolford, Tara, John Renne, and Billy Fields.  2014. “Development of a Low-Cost Methodology for Evaluating Pedestrian Safety in Support of Complete Streets Policy Implementation.” Transportation Research Record 2464:29-37.

    Hanks, Emily.  2014.  “Whose States are Winning?: The Adoption and Consequences of Social Media in Political Communication in the American States.” In Presidential Campaigning and Social Media.   John Hendricks and Dan Schill, Eds.  Oxford University Press.

    Grisham, Michael, Emily Hanks, and Thomas Longoria.  2014. “To Partner, or Not to Partner? That is a Public Manager Question.”  Public Manager.

    Jamison, Colette, and Emily Hanks.  2014. “From the ground up: How an Innovative Public/Private Sector Partnership Built the San Marcos Convention Center.” Texas Town & City.

    Soeters, Josheph, Patricia M. Shields, and Sebastiaan Rietjens.  2014.  Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Military Studies, Editor.

    Shields, Patricia and Travis A. Whetsell. 2014.  “Doing Practical Research and Publishing in Military Studies.”  In, Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Military Studies pps.  312-325.

    DeSoto, William, Hassan Tajalli, Chad L. Smith, and Nathan W. Pinto.  2014.  “College Students and Alcohol Use: A Test of Social learning, Strain, and Acculturation Theories”  World Medical and Health Policy 6:262-279

    Tajalli, Hassan and Houmma A. Garba.  2014.  “Discipline or Prejudice?:  Overrepresentation of Minority Students in Disciplinary Alternative Education Programs” The Urban Review 46:620-631.

  • Balanoff, E. K. (2013). A Special, Set-Apart Place no Longer? Deconstructing the Discourse of
    Meaning and Mission in Nonprofit Newsletters. Administrative Theory & Praxis, 35:11-27.

    Fields, B. 2013. Confronting the Wicked Problem: Disaster Planning in Post-Katrina New Orleans. Good Governance Worldwide: The Online Journal and Network of the American Society for Public Administration’s Section for Public Management Practice.

    Rahm, D. and C. Reddick. 2013. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for Emergency Services: A Survey of Texas Emergency Services Districts. International Journal of E-Politics, 4:30-43.

    Tajalli, H., W. DeSoto, and A. Dozier. 2011. Determinants of Punitive Attitudes of College Students toward Criminal Offenders. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 24:339-356

  • Cradock, A., B. Fields, J.L. Barrett, and S.J. Melly. 2012. Program Practices and Demographic Factors Associated With Federal Funding for the Safe Routes to School Program in the United States. Journal of Health and Place, 18:16-23.

    Longoria, T. and L. Manganaro. 2012. Citizen Approval of CAOs in Texas Cities: An Exploratory Analysis of Anglo and Latino Attitudes. Journal of Public Management and Social Policy, 18:49-63.

    Newbold, S.P. 2012. A Good and Faithful Servant: John Rohr’s Contribution to the Intellectual, Constitutional, and Professional Advancement of Public Administration. A Forum Honoring the Contributions of John A. Rohr to Public Administration. Forum Editor & Contributor. Administrative Theory and Praxis, 34:623-28.

    Shields, P., N. Rangarajan, and L. Steward. 2012. Open Access Digital Repository: Sharing Student Research with the World. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 18:157-181.

  • Carr, J.B. and J. Farmer. 2011. Contingent Effects of Municipal and County TELs on Special District Governments in the U.S. Publius: The Journal of Federalism. 41: 709-733.

    Farmer, J. 2011. County Government Choices for Redistributive Services. Urban Affairs Review, 47:60-83.
    Newbold, S.P. 2011. Federalist 27: Is Transparency Essential for Public Confidence in Government? Public Administration Review, 71: 465-81.

    Newbold, S.P. 2011. No Time Like the Present: Making Rule of Law and Constitutional Competence the Theoretical and Practical Foundation for Public Administration Graduate Education Curriculum. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 17: 465-81.

    Newbold, S.P. and A.C. Schortgen. 2011. Connecting the Past with the Present: Moses Maimonides’ Contribution to Democratic Theory, Public Administration, and Civil Society. Administration and Society, 43: 147-170.

    Newbold, S.P. 2011. An Extraordinary Administrative Legacy: Thomas Jefferson’s Role in Transforming Liberal Arts Education in the United States. Public Voices, 11: 15-25.

    Rocha, R.R., T. Longoria, R.D. Wrinkle, and B.R. Knoll. 2011. Ethnic Context and Immigration Policy Preferences among Latinos and Anglos. Social Science Quarterly, 92:1-19.

    Rahm, D. 2011. The Regulatory Framework for Hydraulic Fracturing in Texas. Energy Delta Institute Quarterly, 3: 8-11.

    Rahm, D. 2011. Regulating Hydraulic Fracturing in Shale Gas Plays: The Case of Texas. Energy Policy, 39:2974-2981.

    Rangarajan, N. and D. Rahm. 2011. Greening Human Resources: A Survey of City-level Initiatives. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 31:227-247.

    Rahm, D. and C. Reddick. 2011. U.S. City Managers' Perceptions of Disaster Risks: Consequences for Urban Emergency Management. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 19:136-146.

    Shields, P. and T. Whetsell. 2011. Reconciling the Varieties of Pragmatism in Public Administration. Administration and Society, 43:474-483.

    Shields, P. and P. Salem. 2011. Out of the Woods: Facilitating Pragmatic Inquiry and Dialogue. Administration and Society, 43: 124-132.

  • Garofalo, C. and A. Ferraro. 2010. A Positive Ethics for Public Administration: Altruism, Self-Interest and the Concept of the State. Dilemata (Spanish journal) 2, 2:33-47.

    Farmer, J. 2010. Factors Influencing Special Purpose Service Delivery among Counties. Public Performance & Management Review, 33:xx-xx

    Brown R.W., T. Longoria. 2010. Multiple risk factors for lead poisoning in Hispanic sub-populations: A Review. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 12:715-725.

    Newbold, S.P. 2010. Toward a Constitutional School for American Public Administration. Public Administration Review, 70: 538-546.

    Reddick, C. and D. Rahm. 2010. Perceptions of Emergency Management in U.S. Cities: A Survey of Chief Administrative Officers. Journal of Emergency Management, xx:29-43.

  • Cradock, A., P. Troped, B. Fields, S. Melly, S. Simms, F. Gimmler, and M. Fowler. 2009. Factors Associated with Federal Transportation Funding for Local Pedestrian and Bicycle Programming and Facilities. Journal of Public Health Policy. 30.

  • Wagner, J., M. Frisch, and B. Fields. 2008. Building Local Capacity: Planning for Local Culture and Neighborhood Recovery in New Orleans. CityScape: A Journal of Policy, Development and Research. 10:

    Garofalo, C. 2008. With Deference to Woodrow Wilson: The Ethics-Administration Dichotomy in American Public Service. Public Integrity, 10: 345-354.

    Garofalo, C. 2008. Ethical Challenges in Global Governance. Public Policy and Administration/Viesoji Politika Administravimas, 23:16-22.

    Brown, R.W., C. Gonzales, M.J. Hooper, A.C. Bayat, A.M. Fornerette, T.J. McBride, T Longoria, H.W. Mielke. 2008. Soil lead (Pb) in residential transects through Lubbock, Texas: A preliminary assessment. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 30: 541-547.

    Rangarajan, N. Evidence for different types of creativity in government: A multi-method approach. Public Performance and Management Review, 32: 131-162.

    Shields, P. 2008. Rediscovering the Taproot: Is Classical Pragmatism the Route to Renew Public Administration? Public Administration Review, 68:205-221.

  • Rahm, D. and J.D. Coggburn. 2007. Environmentally Preferable Procurement: Greening U.S. State Government Fleets. Public Works Management & Policy, 12:400-415.

    Rangarajan, N. and Black, T. 2007. Exploring Organizational Barriers to Diversity: A Case Study of the New York State Education Department. Review of Public Personnel Administration, 27: 249-263.

  • Rahm, D., L. Swatuk, and E. Matheny. 2006. Water Resource Management in Botswana: Balancing Sustainability and Economic Development. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 8: 157-183.

    Shields, P. and H. Tajalli. 2006. Intermediate Theory: The Missing Link in Successful Student Scholarship. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 12: 313-334.

    Shields, P. 2006. Democracy and the Social Ethics of Jane Addams: A Vision for Public Administration. Administrative Theory and Praxis. 28: 418-443.

    Shields, P. Civil-Military Relations: Changing Frontiers. Public Administration Review, 66: 924-928.

  • Garofalo, C. 2005. Beyond Corruption: Perspectives on Ethical Governance. Science and Society: Journal of Political and Moral Theory.

    Coggburn, J.D. and D. Rahm. 2005. Environmentally Preferable Purchasing: Who is Doing What in the United States? Journal of Public Procurement, 5: 23-53.

    Shields, P. 2005. Classical Pragmatism does NOT Need an Upgrade: Lessons for Public Administration. Administration & Society, 37: 504-518.

    Shields, P. 2005 Classical Pragmatism: Roots and Promise for a PA Feminist Theory. Administrative Theory and Praxis, 27: 370-376.

  • Swatuk, L.A. and D. Rahm 2004. Integrating Policy, Disintegrating Practice: Water Resources Management in Botswana. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29: 1357-1364.

    Shields, P. 2004. Classical Pragmatism: Engaging Practitioner Experience. Administration & Society, 36: 351-361.